Our Approach

Our approach utilizes a unique diagnostic method which emphasizes collaborative buy-in and support. We feel that ALIGNMENT must occur between the consultant, the company and the employee(s) for a successful engagement to occur. Our Nine Step Arrow of Alignment™ demonstrates one of the many ways we partner with our clients to achieve the desired business results.

The Nine Step Arrow of Engagement:

Step 1: Agreement

  • We work to gain agreement on what the desired outcomes of the engagement are to be

Step 2: Learn

  • We learn about the situation, the individual(s), the team or group and the organization so we can be a valued business partner

Step 3: Investigate

  • We gather information utilizing a variety of research methods to identify and validate the “triggers” that are impacting success

Step 4: Give

  • We give customized feedback on potential areas of focus based on what is learned in the investigation step

Step 5: Narrow

  • We collaboratively work with our client to narrow the focus and develop a plan that will lead to the desired outcomes

Step 6: Manage

  • We manage the implementation of the plan and provide professional development and training services when applicable

Step 7: Evaluate

  • We evaluate the effectiveness of the plan to ensure it met the key initiatives identified at the beginning of the engagement

Step 8: Next

  • We determine next steps to ensure the business changes are sustainable and enduring

Step 9: Teach

  • We transfer knowledge to our clients to create infrastructure for the future